Thursday, June 2, 2011

Color Wheel 2.0

My Inspiration for this final piece was my brilliant friend Alexander Chacko. This color wheel designed was much simpler than my first one with a different method used to color the soccer balls. On the first version I used the image adjustment tool and I was going to do the same thing on this one but then I decided to play with the paint bucket and I found that the way it colored the soccer balls was much cooler.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Business Card

I really didn't have any inspiration for this work I just picked my favorite pieces that I have done and put them together in a creative fashion. I like things very ordered and symmetrical so I guess that was goal with this design but I enjoyed putting my works together and being able to see them side by side.

Whats On the Inside

My inspiration for this one was of course my favorite show Chuck but more importantly Connor who is a brilliant mind in a dark society (with great hair). I had a lot of fun with this project because it was open to interpretation and your own creativity.

Good vs. Evil

My inspiration for this piece of work was the fact that I am actually batman and I actually am my own arch nemesis, its a very complicated story. Anyways I really like this project because it was simple but you had a lot of wiggle room.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stencil Tennis style

For this project our job was to use the color wheel and create a stencil picture of art. We had a lot of freedom on this one so I thought I should tie it back to something I love which is tennis. Each letter except the S has something to do with tennis and then I use the color balance adjustment to put a color mask over it. Overall it was a lot of fun!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

For this advertisement i thought what would a creative product be and how could it be useful. Moira was my inspiration for this project because she is always pushing me to be better. I really liked this project and might do a couple more mock ups and new projects based around it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I picked this second one because it is by the same artist whose first work I chose and because even though it is the same type of work as the first i feel like it provides a different overall aspect. This one even though the individual objects in the work don't show that much detail the overall combination of objects creates a very detailed work. I especially like the large flowers at the base at the painting which over a very different perspective. Both of the ones I chose are by Julius Woeltz

Monday, May 9, 2011

I really like this one because its very agrarian and its simple and just kind of plain. There is nothing to intricate and detailed so you're not overwhelmed by it and can just take it in and relax.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For this project I used my enjoyment of acoustic music to shape and mold this creative work of beautiful and skillful art. My inspiration for this was Moira because yeah. Anyways I thought this was a fun project to do.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I thought this project was really fun and offered a new type of challenge to the digital imaging dynamic. This comic was a combination of my, Chacko's, Amy Grace's, Joe's and Moira's work. I contributed to this work by putting in all of the dialogue which Moira helped write and cartoonized the whole thing. Amy Grace and Joe were are lead actors and Chacko put all of the images together and cropped them for the comic. I think our group worked very well together and I would like to do another group project.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


My inspiration for this project was of course tennis because I play tennis. I liked this project because it turned out really cool and it didn't take too long to do.

picasso chair

This is for Alex Chacko because he like Picasso and he is going to see the artwork in the richmond museum this weekend with his second favorite sibling Sarah.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


My inspiration for this midterm was Amy Grace and her awesomeness. (But actually it was alex chacko). Anyway I had a lot of fun with this midterm being able to use all of the different methods and tools we have learned so far this year. I really enjoyed how we could pretty much do anything we wanted and there weren't too many restrictions on our creativity.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

9 Faces

The goal for this image was to create a portrait that featured nine different manipulations of one or two images. My inspiration for this work was Alex Chacko who gave me the idea to have the outside photos looking in on the middle ones. I thought this project was really fun and cool to do.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Same as the first one except I like UNC so thats why I chose to do one with a UNC football player.
On this project the goal was to take an image and distort it four different ways creating a somewhat symmetrical picture. My inspiration for this was alex because he likes apple products and opposes windows stuff. So yeah here it is.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For these pictures the goal was to find visual puns and take the literal translation and put it into a picture. My inspiration for these pictures were visual puns I have heard recently and hear often. I thought this was a fun project and would like to do more of these sometime.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


For this project we had to create an abstract work based on the works of Jackson pollock. For this experiment I just did a bunch of random colors and designs to create a final work. My inspiration for this project was Alex Chacko because he is very chaotic and random.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My inspiration for this project was Connor Andrews, because he is like a shark and Moira is also my inspiration for the quote. This project was fun because you got to incorporate text along with being creative with the image. If I could change one thing it would be adding more pictures to the shark instead of just having one background layer.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


For this assignment we had to organize a bunch of different pictures and images into a creative picture of our own making while also following a few guidelines and expectations. My inspiration for this project was Moira and trying to make it cool like her. I really liked how it came out but I wish there was more stuff to work with so I could add more detail to the image.